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Smart Learning: YouTube it!

Before YouTube tutorials learning a new skill or improving an existing one was dependent on how close the required club or instructor was to you. And then there were hourly payments for the lesson, time set aside to do it, and the time spent on travelling there and back each time. But now, there’s choice: learn as much as you want investing as much time as you can spare.

From how to apply the perfect eyeshadow to understanding calculus, learning new skills without leaving the house is all the rage since YouTube tutorial channels became a thing.

Why YouTube?

According to educational psychology, Learning theories have remained relevant in the ways in which information is received, processed, and assimilated. The most important aspect of learning a skill is not just what the skill is, but rather how it is taught. The person learning should, ideally, have time, reason, willingness, and the tools to engage with the new skill.

Take music for example. Traditionally the student would have been expected to attend weekly lessons in a physical location, taught by a physically present instructor, and required to practice between lessons while the instructor is away. Any extra help necessary could not given due to time or financial constraints, so the student has to depend on their own, perhaps limited, understanding of the material in order to practice. Eventually the student may resort to taking help from other students or a relevant book, but never quite gaining unlimited access to the instructor’s time and expertise.

This is where YouTube comes in handy.

Since most people have adequate access to the resources they may need for the skill, using YouTube as a supplemental or direct source to learn something is relatively easy. The tutorials on offer allow people to engage in their own time, and repeat the lesson - or specific parts of it - as many times as they need. There is also the added advantage of captivating graphics, innovative projects, and inspiring instructors - people can learn from the best in the field at no cost other than for the technology and resources.

Channels on YouTube - and each one provides a unique perspective on the topic.

21st century learning

As more people learn from YouTube, the method of learning evolves. From long theoretical passages, information has been consolidated, assimilated, and presented in a more engaging way. And this means people don’t have to spend 3 hours trying to understand something they could learn in 15 minutes.

So the next time you want to brush up your Mandarin, improve on computer coding languages, or start learning the ukulele, YouTube it!


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